We all have a sense of longing for more. Even in the best of times we know there lingers, a sense of dissatisfaction deep within our soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 says, But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you look for HIm with all your heart and with and all your soul.

In Acts 17, Paul says, From one man He made every nation of men, that they would inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.

So we seek God and learn He indeed is the One who truly satisfies. Isaiah 58 says, The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your need in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring who's waters never fail.

This blog is made up of reflections, that are to me, like dew drops in the garden. Things that spring from the pages of scripture and refresh my heart. Whispers, ideas, hope, inklings, inspiration, glimmers, breadcrumbs...all pointing me in the direction of my heart's true home which is the Lord.

Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His Presence] shall be my dwelling place. Psalm 23:6

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Go and See

More from Mark 6. I think I need to process this more as I see more and more in this tiny part of the story that applies to me. The disciples tell Jesus there is a problem. "It's getting late. There are no stadium lights here in the countryside; it will be dark soon. We are in a remote, desolate place. Everyone is hungry. There is no fast food near here. We thought we would fill you in on the situation, Jesus, just in case you didn't notice." In other words, Houston we have a problem. 

Of course they have it all figured out. They see the problem and they have a perfect solution. Done deal. It all makes so much sense. They just needed a little help with their plan. Jesus needed to be the One to send the crowd away. Once they fill Him in on His role and ask for His help, He will see their wisdom, and do as He is told. Everything is good. 

Oh my goodness! Isn't that us? We see a problem and then tell Jesus what He needs to do to remedy the situation. Like He doesn't already know. Like He doesn't have a plan of His own. A plan that is far better. A plan that is executed with EVERYTHING considered. Things we aren't even capable of being aware of. Past. Present. Future.

His gracious response, "You give them something to eat." They argue. "Ummmm, Jesus, do you have any idea how much it would cost to feed all those people?" He responds, "How many loaves of bread do you have?" "Go and see." I love how He patiently continues to ask questions and give them direction instead of engaging in the argument.

So the "go and see" is the word for me. I want to open my heart and mind to what God has to say about the seemingly impossible situations that come along in my life. Big things and little things. 

I hear Him gently inviting me to "go and see." Go and see what is beyond my line of vision. The endless possibilities that are out there just waiting for me. His plans to prosper me and give me a future that is good. He sees me. He knows me. He knows my needs. He knows my heart. He has things for me I can't even imagine right now. I need to look for those things and not spin my wheels dwelling on the things I perceive as problems and then telling Jesus what He needs to do for me. 

What happened that day was huge and He let them be a part of it. God help me to be open and even excited about the possibilities that are all around me if I would only "go and see."

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him and
He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, May 19, 2014

My Good Shepherd

By this time it was late in the day, so His disciples came to Him. "This is a remote place, " they said, "and it's already very late. Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat." But He answered, "You give them something to eat."     Mark 6:35-37

This is a short passage of scripture but it sums up the disciples relationship with Jesus, at this point, so well. There were hungry people and the day was drawing to a close. This was a problem. But they had a plan. They went to Jesus to inform Him of the problem and explain exactly what He should do about it. Listen to the tone of this. They were bossing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Laughable.

The good thing is they did go to Him. But of course that was only because He had a part to play in their scheme. They wanted Him to send the people away. Other than that, they had it all taken care of.

Isn't that what I do? I see the problem and think of a solution and then go for it. My underlying thinking is, "By the way Lord, I have this one covered." It's like I don't want to bother Him with these things. And I certainly don't want to bother myself asking.

Jesus' response is classic. Of course He saw saw the problem but had a completely different solution. It was something they never would have thought of in a million years. He was going to have them feed the 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes. They argued with Him but decided to do as He asked and pulled off one of the most amazing miracles found in the gospels.

Lesson to self. 
1. Go to Jesus. Go often. Go without an agenda.
Listen to what He might have to say about the things that are going on with me. He has so often worked in my life in ways that are mindblowingly amazing. I never would have imagined how He was going to orchestrate things. 
2. Trust Him. Trust His plan even when things seem crazy and I see no way out. The previous verse, verse 34, says, 

"He saw a large crowd and had compassion on them 
because they were like sheep without a shepherd."  

Jesus has compassion on me too. He knows I need Him. He knows I am not capable of finding my way without Him. He is my good Shepherd and I need to trust His compassionate love and care for me.

This takes time and it takes intentionality. Spending quality time being with Jesus is the best use of time (my life). It is there my character is shaped and molded. It is there where my decisions are informed. His Word pours into my heart and my mind. Being with Him is where I find the greatest love of all. 

And from there I can go about my day and trust that He is with me and will take care of me, even when it is getting late and there is no food to be seen. He has ways that are beyond my thinking. I need to remember that my soul can rest, knowing that my compassionate good Shepherd holds me in the palm of His hand. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

He Calls Me Daughter

She touched the hem of His garment. This women was suffering. She had been for some time. She had spent all she had trying to get well. Along comes Jesus. She had heard the buzz about Him and for the first time in along while, felt hopeful. 

She found the large crowd following Him and started searching to see if she could get a glimpse of Him. Determined, she pushed through the crowd until she was right behind Him.  She knew if she could just touch the hem of His cloak, she would be healed. Such was her faith. 

So she dared to reach out and touch Jesus, the One she knew could change her life. She didn't know then just how much she would be changed by Him. The bleeding stopped immediately  The joy and wonder she must have felt.  

But that wasn't all. Jesus knew as well. He felt the power leaving Him. He knew someone had touched Him. He could have been fine with that. She was healed. He could have moved on to deal with other needy people clamoring for His attention. But no. 

He sought her out asking, "Who touched Me?" He knew where she was but He wanted her to come to Him. She knew right away He talking about her so she went to Him. She didn't know if what she had done was wrong. She knew He was a powerful man. She fell at His feet in fear and fessed up. What she didn't know was His heart.

I think the reason Jesus didn't let her go, was He knew that she felt like she had done something behind His back. Something wrong. He wasn't willing to let her go like that. He wanted her to know that He loved her.  

He wanted her to know she didn't have to come to Him from behind. She could come to Him face to Face. He wanted to call her cherished daughter. 

I can only imagine what looking Him in the eyes and hearing the endearing quality of His Voice did to her heart. It must have done more healing in her than the stopped bleeding. I think she was then healed, heart and soul, by Love Himself.

I am so thankful Lord, You care so deeply for me too. You care about me body, soul and spirit. I thank You; You continue to call for me to come to You. And when I come, I don't have to come in fear, no matter what is going on in my life. Thank You for calling me beloved daughter. 

From Mark 5:24-34