We all have a sense of longing for more. Even in the best of times we know there lingers, a sense of dissatisfaction deep within our soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 says, But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you look for HIm with all your heart and with and all your soul.

In Acts 17, Paul says, From one man He made every nation of men, that they would inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.

So we seek God and learn He indeed is the One who truly satisfies. Isaiah 58 says, The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your need in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring who's waters never fail.

This blog is made up of reflections, that are to me, like dew drops in the garden. Things that spring from the pages of scripture and refresh my heart. Whispers, ideas, hope, inklings, inspiration, glimmers, breadcrumbs...all pointing me in the direction of my heart's true home which is the Lord.

Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His Presence] shall be my dwelling place. Psalm 23:6

Monday, April 14, 2014

His Comforts from Psalm 94

Unless the LORD had been my help, I would soon have dwelt in [the land where there is] silence.
When I said, "My foot is slipping", 
Your mercy and loving-kindness, O LORD, held me up.
In the multitude of my [anxious] thoughts within me, 
Your comforts cheer and delight my soul.
Psalm 94:17-19 amp

What a beautiful reminder that God helps us when we feel overwhelmed, when we feel ready to slip and fall into despair. What I really love is where it says, "Your comforts." Comforts is plural. This is where I can look at my life and see so many things to be thankful for. God's Presence being number one. This is when my anxious thoughts settle down and "peace that passes understanding" sets in. I can be kind to myself and I quit looking down. I can look up. I can listen to what God may be speaking to my heart. This may come as a kind word from a friend. It can come from taking a walk and noticing the display of God's creation all around me. A flower pressing through a crack in the sidewalk proclaiming life and beauty in spite of the pinch of cold hard cement all around it. It can come from reading God's Word and applying it to my life. I am able to shift my focus and gain a new perspective. I can look to the LORD, with gratitude for His great mercy and loving-kindness toward me.

This is the week between Palm Sunday and the cross, a week where Christians from all walks of life consider the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for all mankind. Even for Judas and the thief on the cross who mocked Him. Even for the soldiers who cast lots for His clothing.  Even for the self-righteous religious men who wanted Him dead. He went willingly to die, for all of us. We all fall so short of the glory of God. We all have need for a Savior. Our feet slip so easily. 

This psalm is about the just nature of God. The psalmist is crying out for vengeance. He identifies the wickedness that goes seemingly unnoticed by God. But the psalm goes on to say that the One who created the ear hears. The One who fashioned the eye sees. 

For the LORD will not cast off nor spurn His people, 
neither will He abandon His heritage. 
For justice will return to the [uncompromisingly] righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.
Psalm 94:14-15

Jesus came and died to bring justice to the world. Jesus is the one and only flawless man Who ever walked this earth. Full of mercy and grace, He paid the price for the sin of every human being ever born.  We feel so bad when we are betrayed, when we are being treated unjustly. Jesus took on all the sin of all of mankind, freely and willingly.

He knew He would die an ugly, painful, humiliating, brutal death on the cross. Death on the cross is one of the most evil things conceived of by man. It inflicts incredible suffering. This is how our perfect, loving, kind, merciful, Jesus died. No wonder he sweated drops of blood the night before. He knew exactly what He was about to suffer. This what He came to do. This was why He came to live among us. He did it for all of us. He did it out of love. Perfect, selfless love. 

This is the gift of God. This sobering event is culminated in the celebration we call Easter. The resurrection. Justice served. Death overcome. Life wins. Jesus. The Way, The Truth, The Life triumphs.

The LORD has become my High Tower 
and my Defense, and my God 
the Rock of my Refuge.
Psalm 94:22

You are the One I run to. You are the One I turn to. You cheer and delight my soul. I praise and worship You Jesus!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

And They Rested

The women who had come with Jesus 
from Galilee followed Joseph and 
saw the tomb and how His body was laid in it. 
They they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. 
But they rested on the Sabbath 
in obedience to the commandment.
Luke 23:55-56

I have been thinking about this passage for 3 days now. The women who followed Jesus. Have you noticed them in the background of the gospels, the  group of women who followed Jesus? They followed Him closely. They followed Him faithfully. They fed Him, they served Him, they worshipped Him. Devoted to Him, they followed Him all the way to the cross where they watched Him die.

After His death, the followed His body. They were relentless in their pursuit of the Lord. Undoubtedly, they didn't understand what they just witnessed but they kept after Him. After they saw their Beloved laid to rest in a cold tomb, they went home to prepare burial spices. They continued to serve Him, even in death. They continued to serve Him, not knowing what was next.

Isn't that how it is with us? Isn't that our ultimate faith journey? To follow our Lord even when we don't know what is next? When we don't understand? When we hurt?

What really impresses me, is when these faithful, loving women rested. They paused in their grief, their heartache, their shock and horror and they rested. They rested because their lives were disciplined to the ways of God. They were still true to Him even after the devastation of losing the One most dear to them.

God was giving them the opportunity to rest in the midst of the tension of not knowing what was around the corner. Joy was on it's way but they didn't know that. And they rested anyway. He has that rest for me as I trust Him. He has it for you.

Lord help me to follow You as closely as these women did, the ones who got to see you face to Face. Help me to live in the tension of not knowing. Help me to know deep within my heart, that You know all things concerning my life and in that I can truly rest. I thank You Lord because You are good!