We all have a sense of longing for more. Even in the best of times we know there lingers, a sense of dissatisfaction deep within our soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 says, But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you look for HIm with all your heart and with and all your soul.

In Acts 17, Paul says, From one man He made every nation of men, that they would inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being.

So we seek God and learn He indeed is the One who truly satisfies. Isaiah 58 says, The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your need in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring who's waters never fail.

This blog is made up of reflections, that are to me, like dew drops in the garden. Things that spring from the pages of scripture and refresh my heart. Whispers, ideas, hope, inklings, inspiration, glimmers, breadcrumbs...all pointing me in the direction of my heart's true home which is the Lord.

Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His Presence] shall be my dwelling place. Psalm 23:6

Monday, December 24, 2012


Christmas Eve. This is when we remember a day long ago, that was like no other. A day of great expectation, of anticipation. Yet no one knew. No one knew  life on earth would never be the same. That day was the watershed day, the day everything was about to change. Forever.  The Light of the world was to be born. God in flesh.  A baby. The long awaited Light which dispels the enveloping darkness which shrouds our world. The Good Shepherd was about to enter the world of His sheep. Truth was going to become flesh. The Way was coming to us. Life would be eternal with this child.

Yet no one knew. The world went on about its business much like it is today, rushing about here and there. Pain all around yet we just power through as best we can.  Creation groaning not really knowing there was a plan of rescue in the works. Not our work but the work of a Father in heaven who loves us all. In ourselves, we have no hope. Yet we all have within us those yearnings for the King to set things right.  But we have no clue as to what that might look like. And a helpless baby born in a cave would be the last thing anyone would dream of. And so the day came that seemed like no other.  And the plan was set into motion. The plan which was conceived in the heart of our compassionate Father, God, before time began. D day. Nothing would ever be the same.

Emmanuel. God with us is His Name. We are no longer alone.  The baby came. Worshipped by shepherds and kings. Feared by worldly authority. The epic saga was lived out. Every part of the Life of Jesus was for us.  Our Redeemer King had come.  We no longer have to live without hope. That is the new Way of living. So one day we were alone and the next day a baby was born. Our Redeeming King.

Anticipation. Expectation. Hope. Those are the things of Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bread in this Desolate Place

Mark 8:4 And His disciples answered Him, "How can we feed these people in this desolate place?"  The huge crowds had followed Jesus for three days now and He recognized they were hungry.  His words? "I have compassion on the crowd."  Isn't that why He came?  In His compassion for us, He came to earth, to live and die a humble life for us.  That is the big picture.   The day to day story is He has compassion for us, in the little things too, like being hungry.  Such is the nature of Jesus Christ. He is there in the big things and the little things.  His love is all encompassing.

The disciples question was a good one actually.  They asked how.  How can these people be fed?  I think for them it was a rhetorical question that pointed out that there was no way these people could be fed. No way! They were pointing out the obvious to the Son of God. But gracious Jesus, ever teaching them, answered their question, "how?". He proceeded to show them that with Him anything is possible.  And after they followed His directions, the people (all 4,000 of them) ate and were satisfied.

That is our caring, compassionate Lord.  The One Who sees our needs, feeds us, satisfies us. The One Who teaches us to ask for His help and Who shows us how. How to live, day by day.

Help me Lord to believe.  To believe that you care, that you provide, even when there is deep hunger, pain, suffering, loss, and grief all around.  Help me to ask You, daily, how. How I can live in Truth and come into the Light.  This is about living in You and with You.  Thank You for Your patience with me Lord, as I forget. I get tired. I get my eyes on the wrong thing. Thank You that You continue to pour into me. Thank You for Your compassion. 

But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. John 3:21

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Alone with Him

I read today of the women caught in adultery. A familiar story.  The woman standing there, her shame revealed for all to see. Jesus casually asks the one with no sin to cast the first stone.  The oldest put down their stones first.  Soon everyone is gone and it is only Jesus with the women standing before Him.  He's there because it is Him! He is the One with no sin.  This perfect man, pure, sinless, holy and yet He merely tells her to go and sin no more.  We don't know what happened to her after that, whether or not she changed her ways.  But that is not the point.  The point is, Jesus, sinless and pure offered her, as He does us, the mercy, compassion and forgiveness of God. He really is the God of second chances. 

What convicted me today with this story (besides sheer gratitude for God's grace) is my tendency to be the one who wants to throw stones and not the one who exhibits the compassion and mercy of the Lord. How easy to point the finger at others and not at myself.

So the reminder.  We stand before God, alone, stripped down, known through and through.  The more aware of that, the better! His holiness and my sinfulness.  O God, thank you for your second chances.  Thank you for Your Son, Who made a way for us to even be able to stand before you at all.  Thank you for this beautiful picture of Jesus with this woman, His compassion and kindness shining through the centuries for us to see.  Help me to reflect Your kindness, Your forgiveness in my life! Thank You for your love.

The Lord is merciful and compassionate,
    slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.

The Lord is good to everyone.
    He showers compassion on all his creation.
All of your works will thank you,Lord,
    and your faithful followers will praise you.

Psalm 145:8-10 nlt

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Expectations. This word came to mind this morning so I pursued it.  Expectations are tricky.  We need to live in expectation, with hope. Yet false expectations can quickly lead us to disappointment, resentment and even despair. In Luke 7, Jesus talks about how John was rejected because of his unusual lifestyle and Jesus was rejected because He ate with sinners.  The people had their various expectations of what the Messiah was going to be like and that completely blocked their ability to actually see Him even though He was standing right in front of them. Some expected the coming Messiah to fix the world. Then there were those who were healed and just raced off in joy without looking back, without thanks, to fulfill their dreams. And then there were those who thought they had a lot to loose. They had built their own little kingdoms and they were not about to give up control, their love of being noticed and flattered.  Basically it is all rooted in self-absorption. All of that said, what they expected did not fit with the Servant King Jesus. And they certainly did not understand that He Himself, was the fulfillment their hearts cried out for.

I am so convicted of missing golden moments.  Moments of God's shining Presence before me, in a sweet interaction with someone or just an observation of the beauty of creation.  So often I am tapping my foot with impatience with someone or even myself, waiting for things to be "just so" and when they aren't I miss the significance of the way things actually are.  How much of my life has been wasted moments.  Personal frustration to actual pain when if I had a different mindset, different expectations I would have experienced God's peace, God's perspective, heartfelt trust, peace and even joy?  

All of this is so rooted in my selfishness and need to control things.  God help me see what you are doing in my life and the lives of others (independent of how it may effect me).  Help me to be patient and trusting and encouraging as you do Your work in me and those around me.  Thank You because You are always at work. John 5:17 - Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I to, am working." 

Father, help me to see.  Help me to turn aside and look as Moses did when He saw the burning bush.  Your Word says in Ex 3:4 "When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the burning bush, "Moses! Moses!"  Moses noticed and God saw that and called to him by name. Help me to turn aside from my task oriented, overly busy, life to see You at work, Lord.  To join You there.  To trust You even when I don't get it (which is often). 

Forgive me for missing so much of what was really going on in my life and all around me.  Thank You for Your mercy Lord. Help me to rest in your tender care. Help me live in great expectation but to hold loosely as to what that looks like. Help me enjoy the beauty of life that is all around me. Thank you for family and friends that enrich my life and bring me such joy.  Help me to be patient and trusting and merciful.  Thank You for your patience with me.  

"I do not to concern myself with great matters 
or things too wonderful for me. 
But I have stilled and quieted my soul; 
like a weaned child with its mother, 
like a weaned child is my soul within  me." 

Psalm 131:1-2

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Like a Child

My heart is not proud, O Lord,
    my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
    or things too wonderful for me.

But I have stilled and quieted my soul;

    like a weaned child with its mother,
    like a weaned child is my soul within me. 
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
    both now and forevermore.
Psalm 131

What a lovely picture of a peaceful soul.  Resting, leaning in, nestled in the arms of a loving mother.  This one of the most tender pictures, from the pages of scripture, of our relationship with our LORD. Yet how often am I off running around, doing, doing, doing? Resisting the rest, the nurture I need so desperately that is found only in/with Him. I so need to practice stilling and quieting my soul. How difficult that can be.  So interesting how this psalm ties this peaceful soul to surrender. And humility. I need to humble myself to Him and surrender the ideas I may have, of how I think things should to be.  Only the LORD knows the path of blessing for us, beginning to end.  He needs no help from me.

I surrender all I cling to, all I worry about, LORD, to You.  My hope is in You.  You alone see things that are too wonderful for me to even conceive of.  I am lost in the forest and can only see the trees. You see the entire forest nestled on a hillside surrounded by lush green meadows, fields of wild flowers, lofty mountain peaks, rivers, lakes and more.  Thank you that I can rest. I can lean on your shoulder in stillness and quiet and find peace for my soul. Thank you for being patient with me.  Thank You that You keep calling for me to come close to You. Thank You that you are always at work and You are good, all of the time. So much to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Father's Kingdom

"Do not be afraid little flock, 
for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."  
Luke 12:32

This is Jesus to His disciples, His followers.  I love the tender way He addresses them.  He calls them little flock.  He is after all the Great Shepherd Who came to rescue His own.  This  Shepherd wants us to understand that God has given us everything we need. Everything. We are a part of His kingdom.  We are safe, secure and dearly loved.  But it takes so long for us to really get it, and so long to be able to live out of it!

He starts by addressing fear.  Always the the heart issue first. We come to Him, initially, full of fear, fending for ourselves in this hard and dangerous world.  How we fend for ourselves all depends on our circumstances but we all come from aloneness, using flawed coping skills in order to survive and live well.  Living well takes on different meanings as it is corrupted by our natural bent toward selfishness. So we come, a mess.  Jesus wants to assure us that we need not fear. We can lay down our weapons.  As His, we are residents of God's kingdom.  God was pleased to give us this amazing home which can never be taken from us.  

Then He goes on to give instruction in how to live as residents of this amazing kingdom.  He wants us to serve Him as we wait for the fulfillment of this kingdom life on earth.  We can only do this when we are focused on Him and the eternal perspective of our home with Him.  I am feeling a deep stirring within me to grasp the nature of my Father and His great love for me in order to let go of my grip of things that concern me too much.  He wants my heart to feel free and unencumbered, in order that I can look beyond myself to be of use in kingdom work.  But also, and maybe more importantly, so I can enjoy the moments I find myself in, trusting that He is there; I am safe and I am loved.  I am known, understood and valued.  Deep calling to deep.  My Savior calling to me, one of His little flock.  My Father, pleased to give to me, His kingdom.  If I could live completely out of that I would be free indeed. A heart untroubled by the cares of the world.

Help me Lord, to really know and understand, deep within my heart what You have been pleased to give me.  Forgive me for hanging on to things that are empty and useless, things I have no control over. Help me to see the opportunities you have place around me. Thank you for making a way for me by Your own sacrifice. Thank you for loving me and the entire world with your merciful grace.  The fact is,

For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:43

May I treasure You with all my heart!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

He's at the Table

There is a story where Jesus was invited into a home. So He went in and took His place at the table.  I invited Him into the home of my heart, many years ago.  And so there He is, very present within me.  It didn't take long for me to notice Him there and He has never left, I am thankful to say, these many years later.

So there He is at the table, but there are others there too.  It is a big table like at the holidays, full of food and conversation. Loud and colorful. So the question is, am I listening to Him?  Am I hearing His Words to me as He speaks within my clamoring heart. Or are the other voices, which are much louder, drowning Him out?  Okay, truth be told, both.

As the story goes on, it is about being cleansed from within. And He doesn't mince words either.  It is also about doing, not just knowing. He speaks to those at the table and tells them they hide the key to knowledge and don't use it to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven themselves.  They know the truth but they don't enter in.  They prefer to shut their ears and enjoy the deceptive glitter of their own little kingdoms rather than pursue truth, use the key and enter into God's Kingdom, where the real joys, the real feast, the real life resides.

God help me to listen to you, to put You at the head of the table. To follow through and live as you direct.  Thank you that You enter in and you give me the key to enter into life forever with You. Thank you that it is one key and not many keys.  One Way, One Life, One Truth.  Thank You Son and Spirit for being a part of the banquet of knowing.  Guide and direct me Lord. Today.
From Luke 37-52

Friday, October 19, 2012

Led by Love

It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them. 
Hosea 11:3-4

This is one of my favorite verses.  This treasure, this book of Hosea, tells of the incredible love and mercy of a pursuing God of provision, rescue and redemption.  He is the One who keeps on coming to us, who bends down to lift us up, who releases us from our bondage, who heals us, and leads us.  He takes us by the hand and feeds us.  Even when we don't realize it. I love the reference to a cord; it is something that binds us to Him.  This book is about the relentless pursuing love of God but it is also about our faithlessness, our short memories, our love affair with the world, our betrayal of this divine relationship with the One True God.  It is so much about His forgiveness which is the nature of His love.  

It is a wake up call to acknowledge His Presence, His Provision, His Way.  Every day, in big ways and in the ever so subtle ways, I forget.  I turn my heart towards the world and seek to have it satisfy me.  I live as though the world can protect me and love me.  I get creation mixed up with the Creator.

Help me Lord to walk, ever aware of the cord that binds my heart to Yours.  Help me to be consciously thankful for all you have done to set my heart free, as You have lifted the yoke of bondage from my neck.  Thank You for healing my heart, for feeding me day by day from your Word.

I pray for loved ones, that as You certainly continue to pursue them, they come to recognize and realize that it is You calling.  You are the One their hearts are yearning for.  Open their eyes to see that it is You who provided a way for them, You who send Your Son to die, as a sacrifice for us.  Help them to realize it, Lord! Help me to realize it too, in the way that I live.

I exalt you Holy One.  Thank you that You never give up on me.

Making Shelters

Luke 9:28-37
Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain with Him. Staggering.  Jesus, God, taking these mortal men up with Him to pray. And there they SAW His Glory!  His entire being shone with blinding, dazzling light that we can only imagine as He communed with His Father. Heaven come down.  Yes that is the story.  Jesus/God/The Holy Spirit came down. For us.  But I digress.

So where are the human heroes of the story after their trek up the mountain? Asleep!  Of course.  One of the most amazing things to ever see, ever in history, and they almost missed it. So how much do I miss,  that I am invited into as a daughter of the King.  Beloved child with the Holy Spirit of God living right inside me?  How much do I sleep through?  Or how much am I distracted, looking elsewhere, trying to figure things out on my own.  Like Peter.  Once they woke up and realized the glory they were seeing, what does he try to do?  He tries to contain it; make shelter for the King of Glory, the Creator of all things.  That too is what we do.  We try to get everything just right and then freeze!  That's it.  We have God right where we want Him. Silly, sad, shallow, dull witted as I am, that is what I do.  It is subtle sometimes. I don't know I am doing it but it is true.  I want heaven on earth, now. Freeze.

Bottom line.  His Kingdom is come.  It is here.  But we can not contain it. He is ever on the move. He is ever at work. He is always in control and He is ever good.  I am sad about change right now.  Probably in more ways and areas that I even know. And that is okay.  God is on the move and I need to move with Him.  I need to trust that He is orchestrating things to bring His glory to those He loves, which is everyone.  So as He is at work. I need to remember, God completely interrupted Peter to say. "This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to Him." That is it.  The bottom line. For today.  For tomorrow. And forever. Listen to the Lord. Day by day.

He is the One who will never change.  He is the One who will never leave or forsake me (one of the first promises He gave me personally, many years ago when I was a new Christian). He is my constant, my true north.  And I can listen to Him. That is good news.  That is the life line. That is what I can cling to.

Help me Lord to keep my ear tuned to your Voice.  Help me to not fall asleep and get distracted and miss the amazing things you have for me, even the little things, like the humming birds in my yard, my granddaughter's delight in the smallest details of life around her, the sunset, the clouds, friends, family, and oh so much more.  Let me be part of what you are doing and not be looking for empty shelters to build. Jesus was talking about the mission He was sent to complete.  He was at work. Help me be apart of your life on earth, a giver, not a consumer.  And help me to be filled up by You, Lord.  You are the One who fills my soul, with peace, with love, with joy, with rest.  Thank you that You came. That you can not be contained, tamed, controlled or even understood.  Thank you for being God.  Thank you that I can listen. Forgive me when I don't! I give you all thanks and praise.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Captivated by His Compassion

I am so captivated by the deep compassion of the Lord. John 11:34-35. And He said, Where have you laid him?" They said to Him, "Lord come and see."  (asking Mary and Martha to see the body of Lazarus). He invites us to show Him the places of devastation and grief in our lives. He cares.  He willing goes to the depths with us. I have found that He cares more deeply, more intimately, more tenderly and more personally for me, than anyone else ever could.  That love is what has set my heart free.  Where have you laid him He asks.  How many times have I laid the issues of my heart before Him. And how many times has He brought comfort to my heart.  Through His Word, mainly but He uses other things and people too. But it is Him who guides me through.

So they took Him to the body of Lazarus and He wept.  He weeps with us.  Within that vast, limitless, mighty, all knowing, all powerful God, is sorrow. God with us.  Emmanuel. He came to earth, walked alongside of us and experienced the ravages, the pain, the grief of death and evil.  His human tears are mingled with ours.  When He came to the tomb it says He was agitated, troubled, disturbed (in various translations).  He was bothered seeing death among those He loved.  Which is why He came.  To set us free from that.

Lord, come and see.  Thank you for being with me when I am troubled, sad, upset, confused. Thank you that you see and you are right there with me.  Thank you that you are my Help, that you are moved to tears for your people.  For all mankind.  Day in and day out.

Psalm 108:12-13
Give us help against the adversary, for vain is the help of man. Through and with God we shall do valiantly, for He is Who shall tread down our adversaries.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

In the Midst of the Depths-Pastureland

He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it dried up; 
so He led them through the depths 
as through a pastureland.
Psalm 106:9  amp

I love this, as it is a perfect picture, in one sentence as to what it is to walk through the hard times with the Lord.  The powerful army of Egypt was closing in behind, bent on destruction. And the entire Red Sea was in the way. There was no way to escape. The children of Israel were trapped. Yet God made a way for His people.  He rescued them. And they escaped with the riches of Egypt in their possession. Total provision. What a story. No wonder it is recounted over and over again in the pages of scripture.  God wants us to remember, to know that He is our hero, our Rescuer.

I love this version from the amplified version of the Bible.  Most other versions tell of the path He provided as completely dry.  That in itself is a miracle.  Not one step they took was in water. A path of dry ground in the midst of the sea.  A huge miracle! To see the water ramped up on either side of them as they marched through, only to have it close in behind them to crush their enemy. It had to have been a terrifying experience even as it was for their deliverance, right? 

But this version describes their journey through this "depth" of the sea as a pastureland.  A place of nourishment. A lush, green, peaceful place to graze.  Amazing. But this is how it is. How many times have I journeyed through difficulties, terrified, dismayed, hurt, angry, uncertain etc....the list goes on and on right? Life is so difficult. Yet morning by morning, His mercies are new and He provides His Word, His insight, hope, faith, comfort, encouragement, and yes, conviction and correction.  Grazing in His pastureland, the rich, nourishing, restoring, pastureland of His Word.  In the midst of the depths. 

Thank you Lord.  That Your promise is to never leave or forsake me.  Your invitation is over and over and over again, to come. Thank you for your Word, which brings me hope, healing and love.  Help me Lord to remember. Help me to remember so that I don't turn from You, indifferent. I praise You Lord. Thank You for the pastureland of Love and Grace.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wait! Listen!

Picking up at the green pasture from yesterday.  The one in Psalm 23 where He makes us lie down. In John 6 Jesus feeds 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes.  This story has been somehow reduced to a Sunday School story told to children. A miracle event to wow the kids.  But the miracle is so much more than the obvious.  What about the question Jesus asks at the start of the story? "Where are we to buy bread?"

An echo of the invitation Isaiah gives in Isaiah 55:1 (amp).
He who has no money. 
He who is thirsty. 
Yes, Come! 
..."buy [priceless, spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing]." 

Simply... for the self- surrender. Really?  The multitude was told to recline on the ground "covered with thick grass at the spot" Jesus provided.  I have to laugh because it says in the Amplified Bible that the men threw themselves down!  They were tired, hungry and spent.  All this following Jesus was wearing them out! Just where Jesus does His best work. When we are over trying to "do" our way out of things is when it is time to "be" at His feet.  There is a time for both for sure, but this was time for Him to show them who He IS.  We need to be reminded of that.....often, as well! We need our tanks filled up!

Before He fed them He foreshadowed an upcoming event.  He took the bread and broke it.  And He gave thanks.
His body broken for us.  Broken. And He gave thanks.  He knew what He was doing.  He always knew what He was doing.  Every single little thing. So intentional, His life. So giving. So free for the taking, the learning.  this free gift was paid for.  Paid for by the Son of God.  Can't forget that.

I come Lord. To You.  Thank you for filling me with your Word, leading me in Your ways.  Thank you that I can lay down and rest in and with You.  Thank you for this invitation that never expires. That has continued through the years. "Come. To Me." Thank you that you can take my tiny loaves and fishes and make them enough.  Day by day.  Your faithfulness is matchless.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Once Again

Once again He says, Come to Me. John 5:40 then goes on to say, SO THAT.  Gotta pay attention to the 'SO THATS'!  So that what....so that I may have life. His life. In me.  Staggering.  Come to ME.  Jesus says.  The One who loves me so. The living person, Jesus. He bids me once again, to come.

I woke up this morning with the song in my mind and heart, I love, I love. I love Your Presence Lord.  How sweet is it that we can be with Him. Never alone, always understood (more than we know-and yet accepted). Loved completely thru and thru.  

This passage of scripture has more to say tho.  Jesus (our example-the One we follow) explains that He does nothing on His own. He listens for the Voice of His Father.  He only acts as He is taught, led by the Father who sent Him.

John 5:30 amp 
I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord-but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]. Even as I hear, I judge [I decide as I am bidden to decide. As the Voice comes to Me, so I give a decision], and My judgement is right (just, righteous), because I do not seek or consult My own will [I have no desire to do what is pleasing to Myself, My own aim, My own purpose] but only the will and pleasure of the Father Who sent Me.

So when we come, it is not only for ourselves, it is to listen and learn, just as He listened and learned from the Father.  Never will I hear perfectly, act perfectly, but even so, He keeps inviting me to come. What He has to say is always so fitting. Not always easy but right.  Just and right.

Thank you Lord for your Voice.  Help me to listen. And hear and act. To continue to change. Help me to let go of what I think is right (especially when it is self serving-as it often is).  Help me to cultivate Your Life in me as I come.  Thank you for your mercy and loving-kindness that greet me and tend to my soul. Thank you for the rest that I feel with You.  

He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters. Psalm 23:2

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rest at the Well

John 4:5- 26
The woman at the well.  But do we stop to consider Jesus at the well? Jesus came and sat by the well, hot and tired and hungry.  It was noon in an extremely hot part of the world.  He moved around on foot.  There was no air conditioned way to travel. No wheels to take Him where He needed to go. The Amplified Bible says He was weary from His journey. The Son of Man, tired and spent. Oh can we relate?  The ins and outs. The ups and downs of life. The burdens, challenges, issues, pain and trials.  Jesus knows. He has been there.  He has been here! 

And so He came to the well.  A perfect metaphor for us....He came and sat down for a rest...by the well. Our Savior needed a break.  So don't we?  We need to be wary of our addiction to busyness, our need to be needed, to be relevant, our desire to fix things, our desire to make all things right, for everyone.  Our need to play god.  We need to stop sometimes. Often actually. We need to come and sit. Rest. We were made to drink from the well.  We need to go to the Rivers of Living Water and drink deeply and knowing that He has us in the shelter of His wings.

So as He sits there, the woman comes.  They engage.  He asks her to serve Him a cup of water (oh the irony there-Him asking her for water); He begins to use the moment to reveal Himself to her. Just a day like every other day. The Son of God came to her and turned her life upside down.  The mercy and grace of God. He begins to speak of water that exists, a spring from within, of refreshing, satisfying living water. Again the amplified: water  that flows, bubbles up, continuing unto eternal life. Forever. Clear, pure, cool, refreshing, satisfying, thirst quenching water.

I love verse 10 where He says, "If you had only known and had recognized God's gift and Who this is that is saying to you, Give Me a drink you would have asked Him instead and He would have given you living water."

Do I recognize God's gift when He comes to me? Do I come to Him? Do I ask?  Do I want the living water? Or do I just want my prayers answered, my life sorted out, things to do that seem fulfilling, at least for the moment. It is Him my heart longs for.  It is Him that over-rides  the things that plague my heart and mind.  It is Him that truly satisfies with purity and clarity.  It is with Him that my heart rests and is restored.

Her thirst revealed she cries out, "SIR! Give me this water!!"  Demanding.  The need in us is so great.        That is me.

So LORD, I come to You. I lay at your feet all that concerns Me. Thank you that I can rest by the well when I am weary. Thank You that as I come to You, You bubble from within as Your Spirit leads and guides. Thank you that my heart is secure and safe.  Thank You that I can worship You and know that You Are The One Who came...to/for me.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Made in His Image

People can tame all kinds of animals and birds and reptiles and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is an uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison, Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it breaks out into curses against those who have been made in the image of God.                 James 3:7-9

How often it is, that God convicts me, reminding me of something I said have said.  It is so true that what I say is a reflection of what is inside of me. It is like holding up a mirror.  Oh why, why, why did I say that ugly thing? When will that ugliness be rooted out of my heart?  My mouth is a barometer of what's up on the insides of me. A barometer of how much more time I need to spend with Him so there is more of Him in me coming out and less of insecure, impatient, judgemental me.  If I am conscious of Him I have the patience and insight to deal with difficult situations, people. When I have more of myself hidden in Him, I have no need to protect myself, defend myself, or promote myself.  He is enough. He really is!

The part that I love here actually is when James refers to people as "those who have been made in the image of God."  That is the key really.  If I can remember that when I look upon another, I am looking at one made in God's image it makes all the difference.  He loves us all so deeply, He died for us.  So no matter how messed up we are, we are so loved by God. We were created in His image. Everyone. Astonishing really.

Help me Lord to see others as you see them.  Help me to be patient, kind, loving, slow to speak, thoughtful, and most of all understanding and forgiving.  We are all bent and broken yet You have chosen to love us still.  Help me to love well. Forgive my rash, selfish, judgmental words but more than that, heart.  Help me to come from a place grounded in You; help me to see from Your perspective, to have Your wisdom, to show Your love. And thank you for having all of that towards me.  Forgive me for thinking I need it any less than anyone else.  Help me to reflect your Image, Your Love.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Continue On

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.             2 Timothy 3:14-17

Question #1: So what have I learned about God? What do I know? Wow! Good question. And if I truly know these things, how does it effect me????

Question #2: What “good work” is God calling me to?  Do I list the mundane? Housework?  Doing things with and for others that I may not love doing?  Serving in the hidden places no one sees? I need to keep in mind that the mundane is often the place where God uses and shapes me best so Lord help me to not underestimate this.  Help me to remember that You see! There is a big and destructive misconception out there that there is a such thing as 'Christian ministry'. This would be things we do in the church or as outreach, especially if we are on a staff of a 'Christian' organization.  That eliminates so much good that is done in the world and prevents people from realizing the value of what they do for God in the day in and day out, of their lives. That whole concept is not helpful to the Kingdom of God and its good citizens in so many ways. 

It is more helpful to realize that our very lives are ministry. Everyday we wake up and get to live with Him, directed by Him, to live with His high purpose happening in and through us!  God wants to infuse everything we do with His purpose! With His love.  Isn’t that exciting?  The Message is helpful in this, Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.   2 Timothy 3:17

When I make this mind shift, it changes everything. It gives everything I do purpose (Paul mentions his purpose in verse 10 as something Timothy should notice).  I live with all kinds of motives and purposes but when I use my life, even the small hidden things, for the Lord it is of the highest purpose. And that is a wonderful thing! So what is it I need to recognize as my 'work' in this season of my life and how can I serve Him well in it?

Friday, July 20, 2012


On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?” He replied, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.’” So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover. 
When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve.  And while they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.” 

They were very sad and began to say to him one after the other, “Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?        ”
Matthew 26: 17-22 

This is such a perfect picture of our relationship with Jesus.
The disciples, His followers came to Him and asked Him what He wanted them to do.  So that is what we are to do.  We come to Him. And ask.  He gave them instructions, important instructions as this had to do with things written of long ago, foretold about this "appointed" time. Appointed by God, for our salvation.  He refers to Himself here, as Teacher.  He is our teacher.  Do we come to Him as such?  Do we trust Him as Teacher? Do we want to know what He wants?  How to do life?  He is the Way after all.  He knows what the best Way is for us.

It goes on to say that they did as He directed.  God help me to do as You direct.  It is so easy to get off on my own direction and loose sight of what you have for me to do, who you want me to be.

And then what I find very poignant here, is later, when Jesus told them that one of them would betray Him.  It is so interesting they all thought that they were the one.  Is it me Jesus???  Am I the one? Interesting because it revels that they all knew their hearts were not pure, that there were thoughts and motives that He might be seeing in them. Yet in spite of their impure hearts there was one that would betray Him to death and he knew for sure who he was.  How thankful I am that even though my heart is not pure; it harbors doubt, fear, ugly thoughts and motives, He is not done with me yet. Just as He continued to be at work in the lives of His disciples, He is at work in me.

So the purpose of this special meal that was foretold of?  Jesus last meal with His followers before His sacrificial death on the cross.  The Passover meal. And He called it a celebration.  That is the heart of our Lord.

His love is the celebration. His love which led Him to suffer and die for me.  Help me Lord to come, to ask, to do as you say, to examine my heart, to follow You.  Thank you for going through with this plan of salvation at the cost of your Life. Help me to live the celebration.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jesus Wept

Jesus wept. That is the shortest verse in the Bible? Isn't that a Bible trivia question? But this is far from trivial!  This is the heart of the gospel.  This is the heart of our Lord. This is why Jesus came. This is why He died. Jesus weeping sums up the entire Bible!

Jesus called for Mary after talking with Martha. Lazarus had been dead for 4 days now.  The grief was overwhelming for his sisters, their relatives and friends.  

"When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. "Where have you laid him?" He asked?" "Come and see Lord," they replied. Jesus wept. 
John 11:33-34 

He was deeply moved, troubled and He cried. God cried.

He knew He was going to heal Lazarus. He knew it would lead many to follow Him. He knew this episode in time would ultimately bring glory to God. But in the meantime, He wept. He wept because He loved these people.  He wept because of the pain and suffering that death causes and the pain they were in, right then and there.  He wept because He has a heart of compassion and somehow that makes all the difference.  He knows my heartaches. He knows my suffering, my questions, my confusion.  Death lurks in all corners of life.

Jesus calls to me just like He called to Mary.  He calls me because He loves me.  And I too can come to Him and find comfort, love, empathy and ultimately hope.  I can trust that all things will be resolved and all of the stuff of life in a broken, messed up world will be fixed, renewed, restored, death defeated forever.  That is the big plan.  But in the meantime I can come and know that He gets it. He gets me. He cares.  And He comforts.

I read today that we don't know the hour of His return.  So in this meantime, we can know that He is with us.  Emmanuel. God with us. He sees our tears and weeps with us. And somehow that makes all the difference in the world.
He makes all the difference in the world.

Your path led throughout the sea, Your way through mighty waters, though Your Footprints were not seen. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.    
Psalm 77:19-20

Thank you Great Shepherd for seeing all things.  For always being there, for leading me, even when I don't see You. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

He Bids us to Come.

To Him we can come. In fact the Lord bids us to come to Him. Over and over again.  He wants us close.  He wants us to follow Him. He knows He is our only Hope.  He bids us to come. In our heartache. With our questions. With our pain, our doubts. 

Today I read of Martha going to meet Jesus on the road as He finally came to them as they asked.  Lazarus had been sick and now he was dead.  Why didn't You come sooner Jesus, she asked?  Why? Why? Why?  It would have been different if you would have come when we asked. Where were You?  We needed You! You could have done something! You could have saved him from death, and us from all of this grief and heartache. All this pain and suffering.  Jesus where were you?  

Of course we can relate.  Yet even in this she held out hope.  She went out to Jesus as she saw Him coming.  She took her questions to Him. And she exhibited faith. She told Him that even now she knew that God would do whatever He asked.

His answer. Your brother will rise again.  But He goes on.  He went on to address the deeper things.  Not just this one death, but the things of eternity.  The things of why He came. He revealed to her that He is the Resurrection and the Life.  He tells her the way to eternity is through believing in Him.  John 11:25 "Those who believe in Me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again." A stunning revelation.  To us, we have heard this news before.  For her it was a completely new concept. Eternal life through this Man. Really? Wow!

Her reply? "Yes Lord." 
"I have always believed you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the One who has come into the world from God." She believed.  That is why she went to Him. Even in her confusion.  Her brokenness.

Martha, her sister Mary and many others were suffering.  They suffered the grief of loosing a loved one for many days before Jesus came and raised Lazarus from the dead.  We too, live in the time in-between, where there is suffering, where there are many questions.  But let's come to Him still and trust that He has it under control.  Grief. Yes. But also......yes Lord!

God help us in this time of so much suffering, uncertainty, conflict, pain, illness and death.  Help us to keep coming to You. Help us to endure. You Are the Only One Who is Hope. Thank you Lord that you bid us to come.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Mssg: If I'd have given in and talked like this, I would have betrayed your dear children. Still, when I tried to figure it out, all I got was a splitting headache . . . Until I entered the sanctuary of God. Then I saw the whole picture: 

Niv: If I had spoken out like that, I would have betrayed your children. 
When I tried to understand all this, 
it troubled me deeply 
till I entered the sanctuary of God; 
then I understood
16 17 

Amp: Had I spoken thus [and given expression to my feelings], I would have been untrue and have dealt treacherously against the generation of Your children.      
        But when I considered how to understand this,
it was too great an effort for me and too painful. 
Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I understood

Three different versions of Psalm 73:15-17.  What a stunning bit of scripture. The amazing truth.  Oh how I see things through my own filters.  Filters of pain, betrayal, confusion, hurt, selfishness, pride, hopelessness, despair, lack of forgiveness, willfulness, fear.  I operate with limited vision and when I stay there for too long, I inflict harm on those I  love. 
In the above verses there is a little word. A word that changes everything.  The word is "until".  Until I entered the sanctuary of God...  Because of Jesus Christ, I can enter into the sanctuary of God!!! It is a moment by moment choice to turn to Him. When I do go to Him I gain the understanding I need, to not betray His children, those around me (by giving expression of my oh-so human feelings). He has invited me in so that I can understand things from His perspective.  And then filters that cloud my vision fall away and I can see more clearly from His perspective.  And seeing things from His perspective changes everything!

When I come to Him, I can lay my burdens down.  I can step back and see His grace, His mercy, His love, His justice, His righteousness and know that ultimately He will bring all things under His Kingdom rule on earth as it is in heaven.  And in laying it down, I regain trust that He is at work even though I don't see.  Always.  And in that I can rest.  In that I can turn my heart over, once again, to His kingdom  rule and pray that it translates into tangible action that reflects His Love to those around me. 
Help me Lord to be a bearer of Your Light.  Forgive me when I give in to darkness.  Thank you for your patience.  Thank You for Being my Sanctuary.  Help me to see things Your way. Thank You that as a follower of Yours, I am called friend by You. And in that friendship, Your desire for me is to understand, so that I can be a part of the solution and not the problem.