There was the sound of the LORD GOD walking in the garden, enjoying the cool of the day. That is when Adam and Eve hid. But it is worth noting, they knew that sound. We can imagine the many times they enjoyed the garden, the delights of it, the beauty of it with God.
God cried out to them as they were hiding. Of course He knew they were hiding, what had happened. But He cried out to them none the less. Their fellowship had been breached.
So God had to put them out of the garden, where there was more temptation, more opportunity to bring more evil upon themselves. Yet once banished, we see God making the first blood sacrifice for mankind. He Himself, made garments of skin to cover their nakedness, their shame. This is a preview of His great love and His provision for all of mankind.
I am reading about the culmination of God's love and provision in the Book of John. I can't help but notice it was a garden Jesus was led from after He was betrayed by Judas. Many translations refer to this place as a garden Jesus often met with His disciples in. It seems to mirror Genesis. The garden. The place were God met man and they enjoyed fellowship.
In John 18, Jesus was bound up and led away from that garden, the one He often met His disciples in. He went out just as Adam and Eve did. He did not nothing wrong yet out He went. Willingly. His supreme sacrifice was set into motion. Not another animal sacrifice, but the once and for all sacrifice was going to be made. God provided once again. He was going to get rid of guilt, shame, and death once and for all by sacrificing His One and Only Son.
After His death, Jesus body was laid to rest in a garden tomb. He had re-entered the garden. His work on earth was finished. And a way for us to have fellowship with God was made. Once again we can walk with God in the garden. The garden of His love.
Being with God is an oasis in the midst of the trials of life we all face. This metaphor of the garden, God's desire to be with us in beautiful fellowship, His tenderness and love, His provision, even back in Genesis is deeply moving.
Thank you LORD, for making a way for us to walk with You. Forever in sweet fellowship. Thank You that you pursue us. Relentlessly, persistently, patiently and faithfully, because You are loving and kind. Thank You for Your all encompassing provision.
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