"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men on whom
His favor rests."
Luke 2:14
If there was somewhere to be, a moment to witness in history, it was in the fields with the shepherds when the angels showed up to tell them about the baby lying in the manger. The Baby, their Savior, Christ the Lord. And then as if that wasn't enough, they heard a multitude of angels singing, praising God. They saw them, a host of angels filling the sky. The glory of the Lord shone all around them. THE GLORY OF THE LORD, the melody of angels! Imagine that!
These men, minding their business, doing the mundane job of tending sheep, day in and day out, were chosen to hear heavenly choirs in joyful worship. Those men, sheep tenders were some of the first to know our Great Shepherd, the Prince of Peace, had come. He had been born into this world. His arrival, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords landed Him in a barn. Everything was about to change.
These were not theological scholars. Not the best and brightest. They were common every day people. Like you and like me. Living out their lives. Putting in their time, doing life. And then every thing changed. God burst in. Oh the juxtaposition of high and low. Glory and the mundane. Human and divine.
Joyous news displayed, proclaimed across the night sky. The stars twinkling in creation harmony. It was the beginning of a L-O-N-G awaited time. It was the first heralding of the Good News. The Kingdom of heaven had come. And those those shepherds were witness to it.
Joyous news displayed, proclaimed across the night sky. The stars twinkling in creation harmony. It was the beginning of a L-O-N-G awaited time. It was the first heralding of the Good News. The Kingdom of heaven had come. And those those shepherds were witness to it.
God, Who created the universe, self existent, eternal, self sustaining, majestic, almighty, came as a babe. He came in the most humble, most mundane way possible. Completely dependent on a young man and woman to care for Him. This sacred, holy Life entered our world through the portal of a manger scene. He became one of us.
How often does God do that? Burst in when we least expect Him. Isaiah speaks of his vision of heaven and says, "And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; THE WHOLE EARTH IS FULL OF HIS GLORY.” Isaiah 6:3
I read that passage not too long ago and I have been pondering what it means. I think it means the whole earth is FULL of God's glory! We most likely won't have an experience like the shepherds did but I am convinced that we can learn to be more attentive to His glory as we realize it is all around us. We can look for Him and His fingerprints as we go about our days, in the mundane, things we tend to take for granted.
Our breath. Clouds dancing across the sky. A flower pushing through a crack in the side walk. A kind word. An inspiring word. Hope that defies circumstances. The privilege and ability to pray. A child's laugh. A Savior, named Jesus who came to rescue us, Who is Love, Who came down to set our hearts free.
Make your own list!
God, give me eyes to see the wonder of your creation, your holiness everywhere. Forgive me for fixating on what is not right, what is not good. Those things are there but I want to focus on Your goodness. I want to recognize Your favor, Your beauty, Your good gifts wherever I am. Help me see these good things in others, even when they aren't at their best. Help me see others as you see me, Lord, through eyes of grace and of love. Thank You for coming, for resting Your favor upon us, bringing us Your peace. Thank You Lord for filling this earth with Your shining glory.
Our breath. Clouds dancing across the sky. A flower pushing through a crack in the side walk. A kind word. An inspiring word. Hope that defies circumstances. The privilege and ability to pray. A child's laugh. A Savior, named Jesus who came to rescue us, Who is Love, Who came down to set our hearts free.
Make your own list!
God, give me eyes to see the wonder of your creation, your holiness everywhere. Forgive me for fixating on what is not right, what is not good. Those things are there but I want to focus on Your goodness. I want to recognize Your favor, Your beauty, Your good gifts wherever I am. Help me see these good things in others, even when they aren't at their best. Help me see others as you see me, Lord, through eyes of grace and of love. Thank You for coming, for resting Your favor upon us, bringing us Your peace. Thank You Lord for filling this earth with Your shining glory.