I was thinking of Jesus today, waking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. I thought of the Author of Creation, feeling the sunshine on His shoulders, the Maker of heaven and earth, enjoying the beauty of a clear blue sky day and the sparkle of the sea. Strolling along He noticed four of His soon to be closest friends, His followers, His disciples. Mark 1:16-20 says that He saw them tending their fishing nets and He called them to. He called to them and invited them to follow Him. And so they did. Something deep within their hearts recognized the call of the Father. Their decision to follow Jesus was life changing. It was a learning process for them personally as He transformed them into amazing men of God. And as they were changed from fishermen to fishers of men, they helped change the world.
For some reason I thought of another time God walked about on the earth, in an exquisite garden in the cool of the day. It was in the beginning when there was just one man and one woman. They lived in the beautiful garden that God, Himself, walked about in. One day God called to the man and the woman but the man and the woman were hiding, for they knew shame. But God called them still. He knew their condition. And as it was then it is now and He calls us yet. He sees us. His nature is love and in that love He has a desire to be with us. Our most primary desire is always for Him, to be with Him.
We know the story of the fall... but what I love is, here is Jesus, all this time later, and He is still calling to His people. His disciples then and to us now. God reaching out to us. Ever reaching out. He is still invested in His creation. He invested the life of His One and only Son.
He saw these disciples and He sees me. He calls me to be with Him. God became a man and walked among us. Jesus on the shore enjoying the sunshine, the beauty of the sea and the people He came to save. There is still beauty all around. And His love beckons. Enjoy Him. Respond to Him. Follow Him.
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