The disciples noticed it was evening and everyone was hungry. The crowds needed to go home to eat. But after suggesting that everyone should leave, Jesus had a different idea. He suggested they feed everyone, all 5,000 people! The problem (in the eyes of the disciples) was they only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. So the reply of the disciples? Impossible!
Jesus used this as a teachable moment. He proceeded to show them step by step, how to feed this multitude. One important thing that stands out to me, is after the disciples assessed their resources Jesus asked them to bring what they had to Him. This is huge. I need to learn to take the time to bring all I have, all I am, to Him. First. I need to trust that this is time well spent as it is only through Him that anything I do will amount to anything, anyway. "If you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you." John 15:7 I must stay connected to Him in order to bear fruit.
On my own, I can do nothing! Nothing of lasting value anyway. I need to reflect on how often I charge ahead and do it all on my own. I need to recognize that I will never have/be enough on my own. I need to learn to habitually bring all I am and all have to Him. Only then can I watch Him work in and through me. I need to ask Him what He has in mind for me. He cares about who I am and what I do. How often am I wasting my time and energy on things that I shouldn't even be doing?
So He said to His disciples, "Bring them to Me..."
Then He asked the people to sit and relax on the grass.
Took the bread and the fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks. He set this example here. He took what they had to His Father and thanked Him for His provision.
Then He broke the bread (a picture of His broken body for our salvation, our lives) and passed it to the disciples to distribute.
Everyone ate and all were satisfied.
That is how it is with Jesus. We bring everything to Him.
He provides and we are satisfied. It doesn't always look like we think it should but we can trust Him! Just come to Him and He will work out the rest. Help me Lord to follow you. And also take no credit for myself, as all good things are by your hand. Only You can satisfy souls, redeem lives, restore and rescue the lost. And Lord, the amazing thing here is that it is the coming to You that is the most satisfying. You are the blessing. You are the One who fills my heart with what I need. Thank you so much that you beckon me to come. For that I give you thanks!
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