Jesus said to the 72 He sent out, "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." I love how Eugene Peterson puts it in the Message, "All the same, the great triumph is not in your authority over evil, but in God's authority over you and presence with you. Not what you do for God but what God does for you - that's the agenda for great rejoicing."
Luke 10:20
This is a profound shift in perspective! We so want it to be about Jesus handing over his authority to us, and not about His authority over us. We want to be in charge. It is so tempting to have our Christian view be about us, and not about Him. This is the way Christianity often rolls and when it does, it isn't pretty. It is only in turning our hearts over to Him, we can begin to live the life He wants for us. That is key....our lives lived for Him, according to His purposes and pleasure. It is not for us to gain our little kingdom on earth; it is about Him at work in and through us, bringing His Kingdom to earth. And it is our very own dark hearts He begins with. Only out of this can we begin to be part of His plan to share the very good news of His Kingdom on earth. Sometimes I feel like I only get glimpses of this.
Dallas Willard has a book called Renovation of the Heart. And that is really what our lives are about once we are born again. The Holy Spirit has the daunting task of renovating our hearts so He can pour His life in and through us so we can be like more and more like Jesus in this lost and dying world. Our hearts are like an old house, boarded up and dilapidated. Only we don't see it. We see our hearts as beautiful and inviting. That is the blindness Jesus is talking about when He goes on in this passage of scripture, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it...." We are born blind to our own truth.
I need to let the Lord pry off the boards that cover the windows and doors of my soul. I need to let Him clean out all the corners and recesses of the many rooms of my heart. I need to quit trying to do it alone. Only He can come in and find what really needs to be done. He is the Master Builder. I don't even have the blueprint. Why do I think I know how to live without His Presence guiding me moment by moment? Come Lord, and renovate my heart. Make it worthy of Your Presence. Your Life in me. It is amazing that You even want take up residence within me. Help me allow You to clean me up so that Your Love can shine out from every opening there is. Forgive me for trying to protect the darkness, the dirt. Thank You for Your patience with me. Help me let Your Light, Your love, shine from my heart, Your dwelling place.
It is an ongoing process, and I am so grateful for His patience. And, the renovation never ends! Layer upon layer. Thanks for sharing Karen.
ReplyDeleteYes it is indeed. Nice that He gives us companions on the journey!