The juxtaposition of my scripture reading this morning was amazing. Mind blowing really. I was reading in Psalm 24 about the King of Glory, the LORD Almighty. The LORD Who is strong and mighty in battle. The One Who made and owns everything. I was meditating on the grander and majesty of God. His immenseness. Psalm 24 paints a picture of the LORD that is all powerful, magnificent, and exalted above all things. That was my Psalm reading.
Then I turn to my gospel reading and I find myself in Matthew 21. Jesus is preparing to ride into Jerusalem where He knows the fate that awaits Him. Part of the reason why He was born. His death is eminent. A brutal death on a cross. Many Bibles call this passage the title The Triumphal Entry. It was kind of a bittersweet entry I would say.
And then it says, "See, your King comes to you…..gentle." I was stopped cold. He comes to me. This All Powerful God Almighty comes to me. I am being asked to "see." Do I see that God comes to me, ever so gently? He could have come soaring on the wings of the wind or He could have mounted a cherubim to come (see Psalm 18:10). But no. He came humbly on the colt of a donkey. He came as one of us and made this grand entry that reflected His heart of humility. It started with birth in a manger and continued throughout His life on earth. Humble. Lowly and meek. Our King. And He comes to us that way still.
All of it is so much to wrap my head around. The utter humility of this God made man. The grace of His coming to us knowing we aren't wired to go to Him, with our pride , our fears, our self seeking ways. He exhibited love every single day on earth as He interacted with every sort of person He crossed paths with. Not to mention the sacrifice He made for us on that cross.
And He crosses paths with us still. He comes to us, gently, humbly. Do I see? Do I notice Him in my life? Do I acknowledge His grace? Revel in His love? That is what I am being asked today. He wants me to see, to know, that He is with me.
My response? Utter gratitude. Awe. Thanksgiving.